Jandra Fabian
Head Coach U17 Orange & U18 Black
Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on October 11, 1994. Began her journey in sports at the early age of 7. She was introduced to the sport of volleyball, where she played on various teams with many top tier coaches from all over. Her skill set and eagerness drove her to many tournaments where she received recognition amongst some of the top colleges and universities in the US. Following her High School graduation, she decided to attend a smaller college as she learned a new language. Being the first in her family to face this challenge, she channeled that energy into volleyball where she has won several individual awards within her conference.
During her scholastic years, she began coaching in Atlanta, GA with a pretty known club name A5. Here is where she began to teach and develop young girls within the sport. Shortly after relocating from Georgia to New Jersey, Jandra became the captain of her new college, Bloomfield College. Here is where she also earned multiple individual awards and lead her team to multiple playoff runs. This was the first in a number of years for Bloomfield College. Upon completion of her Bachelors degree program, Jandra moved to Greenville, SC. Here is where she coached Upward Stars and Christ Church volleyball teams.
She has been a major part in the development of many players that have now moved on to college and beyond. Volleyball is Coach Jandra and Coach Jandra is Volleyball.